1. Our pastor had designated every mass this weekend as a solemn mass for the dead. When I heard the readings this morning I assumed they had been chosen specifically for the occasion. Beautiful and sad.

    Ten years ago my mother-in-law called to tell me about the first plane. I turned on the tv but didn’t keep it on long, and didn’t see much other coverage that day (more radio). I went to noon mass with 5 children ages 1-11. I think most people were still in shock, because there weren’t more people than usual (big crowd the next day).

    The loss and hatred are heartbreaking.

  2. I think you did the most helpful thing you could have possibly done on that day. I was too stunned to do much of anything… although I do remember turning off the TV, because I knew I had to find a way to make that day “normal” for my two little ones.

    Neither one of them has any memory of that day.

    I talked to them briefly about 9/11 after Mass today, and I was surprised in a way… but then again, not really… with how much emotion it all brought up for me.

    I didn’t watch any news today or listen to anything other than a brief excerpt from NPR, because I needed to focus on my family today — not spend the day in mourning, which I would be doing if I were living alone.

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