My first Thomas Merton book…

In my continuing effort to read “the classics,” I finally decided to jump in and read someone I had heard so much about… Thomas Merton. I decided to start with the book everyone has heard of: THE SEVEN STOREY MOUNTAIN. I won’t say that it was as good as C.S. Lewis’ MERE CHRISTIANITY or SURPRISED … [Read more…]

It’s the little things…

…that really make life so enjoyable. This morning, as always, my sweet husband emptied the dishwasher, fixed breakfast for my two-year old, and made me a pot of hot tea before going to work. Then, I got a phone call from a dear friend who just called to “say hello.” What a joy it is … [Read more…]

The magic of children

Thomas is amazing. He’s a two-year old wonder with an active imagination (like his other brothers and sisters). He has taken his imagination to new levels, however… How do I put this? My son’s best friend is a hand puppet. More specifically, my hand that talks to him like a puppet. He’s named my hand … [Read more…]

This is truly “the good life”…

Is there anything more wonderful than bustling around the kitchen, preparing a meal for your family that you know they will love?… well, ok, I’m sure there are many other things that would rank higher on the “greatness” scale, but still… This afternoon our kitchen was filled with the delicious aroma of a roast cooking … [Read more…]

Chez Ouiz

I have been reading other Catholic Moms’ blogs for years now, so I finally decided to make one of my own. I know that no one else will ever read it, but that’s ok. It will be a great way for me to remember these “best years” that everyone tells me I’m experiencing right now. … [Read more…]