Weekend Wrap Up

And we’re back! The kids and I drove up to Indiana last weekend — as in, without my husband. (He wasn’t able to get time off). I was more than a bit anxious over the whole thing, since I have two children who routinely get carsick (as in buckets and change of clothes carsick!) and … [Read more…]

Fall, anyone?

This morning… I must confess… I was a bit down. It was just one of those days when emotionally I just didn’t have it in me. I asked the Lord to please give me something to be happy about today, because otherwise I was just going to bring everyone down. I had to go to … [Read more…]

Sounds you do NOT want to hear

As I was busy in another part of the house, my “mommy radar” kicked in and I heard the sound of the microwave opening…then closing…then turning on…then opening…then closing…then turning on…then opening…then closing…then turning on… You get the picture. I was already headed to the kitchen to see what was going on when I heard … [Read more…]