Meditation for this evening

I’m sitting at my desk, preparing for our Bible/catechism study tomorrow night, and I ran across this passage that just stopped me in my tracks. It is taken from an ancient homily for Holy Saturday: Today a great silence reigns on earth, a great silence and a great stillness. A great silence because the King … [Read more…]

Mary Miracle

I have been wrestling with how on earth I was going to be able to tell this story. I’m afraid it’s going to take a lot of rambling, but if you’re willing to follow along, I hope it will be worth it in the end. All of my adult life I have struggled with fear … [Read more…]

My weekend was great… how was yours?

In what has become a 3-years running tradition, a great group of friends descended upon my house for a lunchtime BIRTHDAY PARTY!! Thanks to my wonderful friend Malia (the lovely lady in green behind me) who organized the whole thing, we had at least 30+ people here for a fabulous lunch of Indian and Greek … [Read more…]

Notre Dame Response

Click here. Courtesy of American Papist. Pray, pray, pray. May God have mercy on our nation. (and for a bit more encouragement, here’s May Feelings courtesy of Waltzing Matilda — and many others — who have linked to this)