Best bargain shopping ever EVER ever

One of our local grocery stores (not one I usually frequent) has sadly gone out of business. All last week they were selling their entire stock for 30% off. Not too bad, but since their prices were usually high to begin with,  I can’t say I was overly enthused with the “bargains.” Until this weekend. … [Read more…]

Gospel reading for Sunday

As you may remember, I try to ask the Lord to give me a word or a phrase that He wants me to hear at every Mass (thanks to Michael Dubriel, who suggested it in his book the How-To Book of the Mass. Please order a copy to help out his family!) This past Sunday, … [Read more…]

It’s news like that

…that brings everything into perspective. I was going to write a tongue-in-cheek “oh woe is me” sort of posting, highlighting our month of illnesses which culminated in me being diagnosed with a kidney infection, mastitis, and sepsis (yes, all at the same time… long story, but I’m fine now) and the two little ones coming down … [Read more…]

Pray for Amy Welborn

Her husband, Michael Dubriel, passed away yesterday. I had the privilege of meeting both Amy and her husband at the Catholic blogger’s conference in Atlanta last year. I was able to thank Michael for writing the book The How To Book of the Mass, telling him how much it meant to my Bible study group. … [Read more…]

How Do You Plan?

This is a question to any and all homeschooling moms reading this: How often, and how in-depth, do you plan your homeschooling lessons? I ask this as I am just finishing up my normal Sunday night routine: that is, I grab a hot cup of tea, and get out the MODG syllabus for 5th, 4th, … [Read more…]