Please pray!

Long story short — Joseph just isn’t growing. I’m not sure if the problem is me or him, but at 4 months he is tiny, falling off the growth curve, and not showing any signs of improvement. I have to go again tomorrow for another weigh-in, and then we need to discuss what our options … [Read more…]

Anybody still here?

Anyone still reading this blog? If so, I thank you most profusely. I’ve just about given up on myself, here! I keep telling myself to take a deep breath and to remember, “this stage is short… This stage is short…” Joseph is still fussy. That’s just a given right now. Pray for him, please!! 

The struggle continues

I’m not sure why the addition of this latest child into our family has been so difficult, but it has been a real struggle. I feel like a complete newbie as I attempt to take care of Joseph and the rest of my kids. I know I’ve done this before and I know it will … [Read more…]

One of the great things about having boys

…is that the words, “There’s a dead squirrel in the yard. Can you please scoop it up and throw it in the woods?” is met, not with revulsion, but with a resounding, “Oh cool!” Of course, when said son (Sean) got back in the house, he was all smiles and said, “I flung it pretty … [Read more…]

First of all…

I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth. More details to follow when I am able to sit down and write. It’s been an experience… truly….

Sorry about the design!

I am sorry for the design of my blog… I have tried to figure out what on earth I did to it, but so far have been unsuccessful. I wish there were a way to erase any funky additions to the original design so I would be working with a “clean slate.” Until I figure … [Read more…]

Weekend Wrap Up

At 1:00 am it’s officially Monday, but since I haven’t gone to sleep yet, I consider this still part of the weekend. Joseph is giving me a rare moment without him, so I’m taking advantage of it and blogging! 1. I was going to write about the wonderful time I had with Grace and Marie … [Read more…]